المنهاج يحتوي على اكثر من 700 صفحة من الشروحات والامثلة التوضيحية للبرمجة على شكل مجلدين ورقيين
*المنهاج باللغة الانكليزية
المجلد الاول يحتوي على:
- Overview and significant performance characteristics of the SIMATIC S7 system family
- The components of the TIA Portal: STEP 7, WinCC, communication
- Program execution in automation systems
- STEP 7 block types and program structuring
- Binary and digital operations
- Programming of parameterisable blocks
- Data management with data blocks
- Programming organisational blocks
- Test tools for system information, troubleshooting and diagnostics
- Hardware configuration and parameterisation of the SIMATIC S7-1500 modules, a PROFINET IO system (ET-200SP), a Touch Panel (TP 700) and a Sinamics G120 drive over PROFINET
- Program documentation and saving
- Deeper understanding of contents through practical exercises on TIA system model
المجلد الثاني يحتوي على:
- Tools for program creation (e.g. structograms)
- Analog value processing
- Functions, function blocks, and multi-instances using the IEC-compliant timer/counter as an example (International Electro technical Commission)
- Jump commands and battery operations
- Indirect addressing
- Classical software error handling and evaluation with error organization blocks (OBs)
- Evaluation of diagnostic data
- Troubleshooting and alarms with an HMI device (Touchpanel)
- Introduction into Structured Control Language (SCL) and S7-GRAPH
- Deeper understanding of contents through practical exercises on SIMATIC S7-1500 system model
TIA Portal Programming 1 + 2
المستوى الاول
- Understand the fundamentals of interaction of the TIA components
- Solve simple programming tasks using elementary STEP 7 instructions
- Reliably operate the "TIA Portal" engineering platform
- Program simple plant functions with basic STEP 7 instructions predominantly in ladder diagram (LAD)
- Perform simple commissioning of TIA components
المستوى الثان
- Apply classical program development methods
- Solve comprehensive programming tasks
- Program advanced functions such as indirect addressing in STEP 7
- Implement data administration with the SIMATIC S7 automation system
- Apply system blocks along with blocks from the standard STEP 7 library
- Program classical software error handling and evaluation
- Configure alarms of the operator control and monitoring system (HMI)
- Configure TIA system components consisting of SIMATIC S7, HMI, PROFINET IO, and drive